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With these game rules you will hit a support homerun

We provide optimal support together with you. You are the first support line within your organization. You can make a difference by helping your colleagues with user issues. If it then turns out that it is an issue for the support team, you can contact us to solve the problem. Based on your input, we will get to work immediately. The more specific we receive your problem, the faster and more focused we can investigate and resolve the issue.

It's just like baseball: the better you throw the ball, the faster we hit that home run. That will certainly work with the game rules and step-by-step plans below!

When is support ready to help?

What worked yesterday, but not anymore today

We offer support on standard Microsoft Dynamics software, and processes and configurations done by our consultants. Does anything not work today, while it worked perfectly fine yesterday? Then this is a case for our colleages that offer support.

Problems with software designed by Elevate-IT or Microsoft

Microsoft Dynamics is an open ERP system, which means that you can try out things yourself, such as configurations, process flows or even add or delete functionalities. If you decide to do so, please keep in mind that support on these actions is not included in your contract. Naturally. your own configurations are not discussed during the transmission, which limits our support possibilties.

Support from our Logistics Consultants

After the implementation phase, it is likely that in the course of time new wishes arise. You add a new customer with specific demands to your customer base or maybe you would like to add a new service to your portfolio. Anyhow, you want to add something new to your solution. We kindly ask you to submit a request for these kind of questions. Following, the implementation team or in a later stadium our Logistics Consultants will follow up this request. There are costs involved with requests, which will be clarified after you submit a request via

How can we find a solution as soon as possible for you?

To solve your problem as quickly as possible, we explained step by step how to make an optimal support report. If you follow these steps, you will notice that we can get started right away. In this way we help each other to get the software up and (home)running again!

Send an e-mail

If you would like submit a call, you always send an e-mail to, even if it is urgent. You will receive an automatic reply with a notification number. You can use this number as a reference when you call us afterwards.

TIP: For your initial e-mail, make use of the possibilities below in the Dynamics Windows client

Possibility 1: At “Work instructions”, use the button “Mail Support”

If you use this button, your user name and company that you are logged into appear in the subject of the e-mail. That way you can instantly start writing your e-mail.

What should the message contain?

In the subject you describe the problem with key words. In the text box you add a scenario with screenshots and you describe the problem as detailed as possible. You can also use your RAPP environment to reproduce the scenario.

Try to add as many complete screenshots and steps as possible, so the scenario becomes clear for us. Possible tools you can use are Snagit or Screenhunter.

Possibility 2: Use the step recorder

Another option is to use the step recorder tool. With this tool you can automatically and completely describe all the steps you take towards until the error appears.

When you are finished recording, you can save and send it. You can do this by pressing the ‘work instructions’ button.

You can use the (red X) button “last error” to request the call-stack of the error. That action provides a lot more information regardingthe error, but not the steps that lead to it. For a complete overview, it would be best if you do both.

Besides, this tool is useful to create work instructions including screenshots. That way you can help your colleagues with your knowledge as a Key User.

What happens after your support call?

If you send in a support ticket, you will receive an automated reply including a notification number. Everytime we work on your ticket, this is the message we consult. Threrefore, if you would like to add anything to your support ticket, we kindly ask you to do so by replying on the original e-mail. That way you prevent a new ticket from being made and you are certain that the important new information lands on the right place.

At the same time, this means that when you use an old ticket for a new notification, these will be attached to each other. This leads to not receiving a confirmation of a new ticket and at first they will be not seen as separate from each other. Help yourself and us by submitting new tickets via a new e-mail and existing ones via a reply.

The workday of the colleagues who are providing support, is all about resolving your support tickets. We prioritize these notifications based on the seriousness of the problem. That way we are able to help you right away with big issues. This also means that your notification does not get picked up immediately, due to another problem with a higher priority.

Around the field together

When you keep the aforementioned in mind when you submit a support ticket, you will see that it will be quickly resolved. The more we are aware of the situation, the sooner we are able to help. We understand that this is the first time you enter the baseball field. But just as every other baseball player on a new field, we will always go for a homerun. We are looking forward to a pleasant cooperation with with you and with the information above this will be a certainty!