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Generic Flows: the next step in standardizing logistics integrations

03 Oct 2024

3 min read

Integrating with customers and suppliers in just a few clicks. No need to reinvent the wheel each time. And continuously using the latest technology. It sounds too good to be true, but it is not. We took the first step with Packaged Integrations. Now, we are taking it another step further: discover Generic Flows via Boltrics’ DataHub.

New developments in Boltrics’ DataHub

With the latest version of our DataHub platform, Boltrics has laid the foundation to standardize integrations and make them more accessible for the logistics industry. A significant step in achieving this was the development of Packaged Integrations. Packaged Integrations are pre-configured integrations with specific customers, suppliers, or agencies. Developed once and then made available as standard for all customers. Making it easy to connect to your software solution. This shortens the time-to-value and allows you to use proven methods in logistics.

The next step: Generic Flows

Now we are going a step further. With Generic Flows, Boltrics offers one generic flow via our integration platform for the respective integrations. For example, with Customs (NCTS), Jumbo (DESADV), and Albert Heijn (DESADV). This prevents a proliferation of integration flows that ultimately do the same thing for every customer. Instead, there is one flow for all customers, which only needs to be maintained in one place, with the configuration taking place only in your 3PL Dynamics environment.

Save time and money with generic flows

The main advantage of your logistics operation with these Generic Flows is that you need to invest less in setting up an integration. You shorten the project’s implementation time and lower the investment in terms of time and money. Additionally, it becomes easier to adopt flows yourself, without the help of Boltrics’ integration team. The flow is already set up. And you only have to initialize the peripheral matters.

Insight into existing flows

Do you want to make sure you are not making a bad investment and doing double work by setting up an integration that already exists? In that case, you can view the existing generic flows in your own 3PL Dynamics environment. Here you can see which flows have already been developed and can be activated in your application in no time.

These flows will later be available in the Marketplace or can be activated upon request.

Use DataHub as the standard to integrate your systems

DataHub is basically configured to integrate with any system. Whether it is Shopify, WooCommerce, another well-known platform, or any custom made system. Want to know more about this? Contact us.


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