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Visualize your transportation planning with 3PL Dynamics' graphical planboard

27 Jun 2024

2 min read

An advanced Transport Management System (TMS) is key to streamlining your logistics, ensuring activities are carried out with peak efficiency. It empowers you to fine-tune routes, assess external carrier costs, and seamlessly communicate with clients. Yet, the true power of a TMS is unlocked when combined with the irreplaceable expertise of your staff. Their ability to swiftly adapt to unforeseen circumstances, fulfill urgent deliveries against the odds, and manage anomalies is unparalleled. It’s this dynamic interplay of human insight and technological prowess that elevates your operations to new heights.

Visual planning in your TMS

One of the functionalities that emphasizes the collaboration between your employees and IT is a visual plan screen in your TMS. With this, your planners directly have an overview of the trips and correlating resources. For each trip, the route is shown on the map. Furthermore, planners can add addresses to an existing route or combine stops to create a new trip, while keeping an eye out for the total number of load meters on the route. In short, the visual planning screen makes sure you have all the required information right at hand.

What does the visual planning screen look like?

Just like all other aspects of Boltrics’ logistics software, the planning screen can be configured flexibly. For example, you can determine what files to show or what colors to distinguish different types of addresses with. However, users can also enlarge or reduce the components on the screen or apply filters to the displayed addresses on the map. Helping them focus on the specific task at hand. Furthermore, planners can in no time switch between the visual display of the routes on the map and the available resources to assign available trucks, trailers, and drivers. Are you curious how it looks? Underneath you’ll find a small preview of the graphical planning.

More information?

Do you want to learn more about the possibilities of our TMS solution for your operation? Please contact us. We gladly help you on your way!


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